Strawberry, passion and good taste!

I came across the event under the mysterious as it were name of Truskawisko, in 2016, then together with Tomasz Stube, rolling out the route

Furniture from a different barrel

A boring garage, still the same bland workshop at Cześek’s, or maybe a trade show booth that is no different from any other? You know


A few days ago I took the liberty of doing a small survey among convertible lovers and namely, I wanted to find out what cars they recommend in the range of 5, 10-15 thousand zlotys. I used the CABRIO POLAND fanpage for this so that I would not have to search for months for answers.

OLANDIA and the land of 100 lakes….

Olandia is an 18th century revitalized manor-park complex! Sounds dry to me! Very, well rather no different, especially once you have seen the place at least once. If you want to experience something different in your life than the taste of burnt Kargulena on the Baltic Sea, then go to Öland on your free weekend or vacation.

5 Tips when to buy a convertible?

When to buy a convertible – seriously? There are times of the year that are “better” or “worse” for buying a convertible?! If so, I