Summer Patrol General Regulations

(1) The event is open to car owners, as well as people who do not have their own vehicle – they then participate on a passenger basis. The trip has a tourist and sightseeing character. The trip is not a rally and all forms of competition are excluded on it. The trip is not a guiding service, it is a motorized event and each participant is responsible for his actions. Total responsibility for minors present at the event is borne by their parents or legal guardians.

2. all participants move on the expedition according to. established rules with the Ogranizer.

(3) Each participant going by his/her car is required to have a current technical examination, third party insurance, any other documents required in the destination country and in the countries through which he/she is passing and, above all, a technically sound car, prepared to move on the roads. In case of a malfunction that can be repaired on site, the owner makes the repair himself. In the event of a car breakdown that prevents you from continuing your ride, if it is physically possible, the organizer will help you get to the nearest city or mechanic. A participant whose car breakdown will not allow him to continue further participation in the event will not claim any refund from the organizer. The organizer allows people from the damaged car to be accommodated in their cars, subject to availability. Any additional fees shall be determined by the Organizer.

4. each participant undertakes to comply with the applicable traffic regulations and respect the so-called. “local rights.”

(5) Each participant must comply with the recommendations of the event organizer under penalty of exclusion from the event without recourse or reimbursement of any costs.

6 The route of the event is determined by the Organizer. Due to the nature of the event, the Organizer does not guarantee the safety of the ride on all routes. The unpredictability of conditions and nature means that some sections of the route are altered by rainfall, mudslides, timber skidding, etc., and can thus become very difficult or impassable. Do not attempt an independent and risky ride without consulting the Organizer. At the same time, each participant states that he realizes that concepts such as safety are subjective and depend as much on the surrounding conditions as on the preparation of the car and the driver’s skills and experience. Any detours and splits of the group shall be ordered by the Organizer. In the event that any participant refuses to go, the Organizer will show him alternative routes, which the participant takes independently and at his own risk. From that point until the reunion, the Organizer has no influence over the participant’s actions.

(7) The organizer informs that it may make changes in the program of the event due to weather conditions or by order of the local authorities or the country on whose territory the expedition takes place.

8. any destruction and littering of nature, violation of private property, riding outside the routes recommended by the Organizer shall expose the participant to sanctions from local services.

9. the organizer does not take responsibility for any material damage to the cars, as well as does not take responsibility for any damage to the health of participants and third parties. We recommend increased caution during the event.

10. each participant is responsible for offenses against the laws of the country in which he is staying during the event, is responsible for himself before the law enforcement agencies.

11. each participant in the event undertakes to cooperate with the group and the Organizer. He is obliged to behave in accordance with the generally accepted rules of social coexistence and relate to other trip participants in a cultured and respectful manner, as well as to pay special respect to the people of the host country. In case of violation of the aforementioned rules, disturbing other participants or the Organizer, notoriously delaying the group, failure to comply with the program, the participant may be excluded from the trip by the Organizer, without any possibility of appeal. An excluded participant may not claim any reimbursement. It is also forbidden for such a participant to continue to follow the group “on his own.”

(12) The SUMMER PATROL taker declares that he/she is aware that participation in the event may endanger his/her health or life, and may also endanger the health, life and property of third parties. Therefore, he declares that by participating in the event he is solely responsible for the loss of his health, life, possible material losses, as well as for the loss of health, life and material losses of persons under his care and participating in the above-mentioned form of activity and third parties not participating in this meeting, and who would in any way suffer as a result of my actions. This statement also applies to any other outdoor activity that is on the trip agenda. Confirmation and respect of the above. does not require a signature and confirmation in this situation of the above. remains purchased ticket an event. At the same time, by paying for the ticket, the participant waives the rights to initiate legal action or recourse against the Organizer for any accident or loss related to the event, including any injury or material loss.

Each person taking part in SUMMER PATROL on the basis of ticket purchase hereby grants CABRIO POLAND free of charge and unlimited in time and territory permission to disseminate his/her image and the image of minors under his/her care, recorded during the photographing of the event, within the scope of recording, copying by means of a specific technique, entering into computer memory, public performance or public reproduction, exhibition, displaying, displaying, printing, broadcasting by means of wire or wireless vision, publishing on websites and sending in electronic correspondence. CABRIO POLAND shall be entitled to freely modify the image and its context and to use such modified image in the manner specified above.

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