Caravanning and convertibles – the beginning of a long friendship

Picture of Redakcja Cabrio Magazyn
Redakcja Cabrio Magazyn
December 8, 2019r.

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It all started with the Retro Motor Show, where I met with Arek, a representative of CabrioPoland. The hour-long conversation resulted in the conclusion that convertibles and caravanning can be very easily combined; moreover, some owners of “roofless” cars travel with trailers. From idea to realization the road is short, so here is the first episode (teaser) of a longer series of materials titled “The idea of the material”. “CC, or Caravaning and Cabrio.”

Where did the idea for the collaboration come from? It clarified virtually on its own. The brief exchange of experiences quite quickly turned into a loose discussion about where and how to go in a camper or convertible. Both vehicles are used (in the main) for wide-ranging recreation, giving us the pleasure of driving and (in the case of RVs) later staying at campsites or “wilderness” sites.

How can the two “industries” be combined? Necessary here will be … a caravan. This branch of caravanning is extremely popular in our country. Why? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Certainly, an important issue is the purchase price (we can get a new trailer for as little as 65 thousand zlotys when in the case of an RV we have to add another 100 thousand to this sum…), but also the form of travel: caravaners in Poland spend vacations, vacations and longer breaks from work most often with their families. Then the trailer is second to none – such comfort and space will not be found in any other touring vehicle.

So what do we need in a convertible? Towing hook, only. Don’t believe the information that says a powerful drive unit is necessary for the trailer. The caravanning market is huge, especially seen at the German trade fairs in Dusseldorf or Stuttgart. There you will easily find, for example, a small, extremely lightweight (less than 1,000 kg) trailer, which styling will loosely relate to your “car without a roof”. To quote a marketing classic: “everything is possible.”

Since this is the first “episode” of a longer series, I’d like to respond loosely about what the articles published in CabrioMagazine will be about. I will focus on a loose introduction to the topic, explain the concepts and try to prove that caravanning is really the freedom to travel, in any form, machine and place. Next, I will give you a handful of information about “Polish Caravanning”, both the portal and the magazine. On the former, for example, we have a search engine for campsites and wilderness spots available. There is also a “ABC of caravanning” section for strictly beginners. Or are you missing an idea for your trip? The magazine will then be ideal, a great way to show the countries you can go to and a short road “download” will come in handy when planning a trip (whether in a convertible or a kit with a trailer – after all, this information is universal and can be used in many different ways).

The cooperation between CabrioPoland and Polish Caravanning also includes meetings at rallies that both CP and PC plan to hold in 2020. You will be able to “live” see the camper, caravan, enter them and ask about literally every aspect. I hope that the CP community will return the favor – privately, I love convertibles and finally in 2020 I would like to buy my first car. Will it be successful? We’ll see!

I can’t help but thank you for the opportunity to share your passion and knowledge, invite you to all the profiles of “Polish Caravanning” and encourage you to contact me privately – all questions and doubts I will gladly answer and, because of my profession, I can spend long hours over coffee or tea talking about travels.

So what, we’ll see you on the trail? 🙂

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