These Regulations, (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”) were issued on the basis of the provisions of the Act of March 20, 2009.
on security of mass events, consolidated text Dz.U.
of 2023 pos.
616 (hereinafter referred to as the “Law on Security of Mass Events”), based on the Law of August 22, 1997.
On protection of persons and property, consolidated text Dz.U.2021.
1995 (hereinafter referred to as the “Law on Protection of Persons and Property”) and on the basis of the provisions of the Civil Code.
Regulations are issued by the Organizer of the Event called: “9 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL CABRIO POLAND”, which will be held from 06.09 -09.2024 (hereinafter: “the Event”), i.e.
By Arkadiusz Szczepański Mittlenwalder str.12 10695
Berlin (hereinafter: “Organizer”).
The Regulations are addressed to all persons who will be on the Festival Grounds during the Event.
Each person staying on the Organizer’s Grounds or on the Festival Grounds during the Event is obliged to comply with the provisions of these Regulations.
The purpose of the Regulations is to ensure the safety of persons and property, as well as the security of the Event by defining the rules of participation, behavior and use of the Organizer’s Grounds, the Festival Grounds and the infrastructure located therein, as well as to define the conditions of participation in the Event by regulating the rights and obligations of Event Participants in connection with the possession of an admission ticket to the Event.
The following terms used in the Regulations will have the following meanings:
“Ticket” means an individual agreement to participate in the Event and requires exchange for a badge (wristband), before the first entrance to the Festival Area and accommodation base.

“Badge” means a badge issued by the Organizer, prior to the first entrance to the Festival Area, upon the return of the Ticket; the Badge will be in the form of a wristband, the design of which is determined by the Organizer, permanently affixed to the hand; the Badge may only be used by one person, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 21 and 22 of these Regulations; damage or breakage of the Badge shall render it invalid; it is prohibited to transfer the Badge.
Each Event Participant shall exchange a Ticket for a Badge in person;

“Technical badge” means a badge issued by the Organizer to persons working in the preparation and/or execution of the Event in accordance with the Rules of Order for contractors and persons working in the preparation and execution of the Event.

“Security manager” means a person appointed by the Organizer, representing him in providing security to the participants of the mass event;

“Festival Area” means the designated and branded area on the premises of the LAKE HILL Hotel, which can only be entered by persons holding a badge or a Technical Badge.
For valid reasons, the location of the Festival Area may be changed prior to the Event, with the Organizer making the change public on no later than 7 days before the commencement of the Event.

“Organizer’s Site” means the designated portion of the LAKE HILL Hotel site, including the Festival Grounds, as well as parking lots, internal access roads, pedestrian walkways, and technical and social facilities.

For valid reasons, the location of the Organizer’s Venue may be changed before the Event, with the Organizer announcing the change to the public at no later than 7 days before the start of the Event.

“Order Services” means the persons appointed by the Organizer who are included in the list of qualified physical security personnel referred to in Art.
26 of the Act of August 22, 1997.
on the protection of persons and property (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1995), including employees of a security agency of persons or property, holding an ID badge, to take care of the safety of persons participating in the Event, including the control of Participants’ authorization to enter the Festival Area.
Members of the Order Services shall have badges displayed in a conspicuous place containing: name of the exhibitor, identification number and photograph, validity period, seal and signature of the exhibitor.
The Order Services operate in the area of the Festival Grounds, which constitutes the Festival Zone.

“Information Services” means persons subordinate to the Security Manager acting during the Event for the benefit of security and public order in the Festival area and the rest of the Organizer’s Area, in particular by informing them about the organizational arrangements adopted.
Members of the Information Services shall have badges displayed in a conspicuous place containing: the name of the exhibitor, identification number and photograph, validity period, seal and signature of the exhibitor.

“Security Employees” means persons enrolled in the list of qualified physical security personnel or qualified technical security personnel and performing security tasks for an entrepreneur licensed to conduct business in the field of security services and property, whose services are used by the Organizer.
Security personnel shall operate in the Festival area to ensure the safety of persons and property therein.
To the extent permitted by law, the powers and tasks of Security Employees may be performed by persons performing security tasks, to the extent not requiring registration on such lists, on behalf of an entrepreneur who has obtained a license to conduct business activity in the field of security services for persons and property, the services of which are used by the Organizer.

“Organizer’s Representative” means a person identifying himself or herself with a Technical ID named “STAFF”, authorized to make decisions on behalf of the Organizer.

“Event Participant” means a person participating in the Event on the basis of a Badge issued against the return of a Ticket.


Tickets are sold exclusively through the form at
There is a limit of four (4) Tickets purchased by one team.
If more than four (4) Tickets are purchased by one team, all Tickets will be canceled.
The Organizer informs that pursuant to Art.
38 item 12 of the Act of May 30, 2014.
on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended), it is not possible to return a Ticket, except in the special cases described in item.
8 below.
The Organizer stipulates in exceptional, documented random cases, at the request of the Event Participant, the Organizer may exchange the Ticket for the same type of bearer Ticket (with indication of the Event Participant’s data) at the price valid on the day of the request.
Once the request is granted by the Organizer, the exchange of the Ticket is made through the point of sale where the purchase was made as follows: The Event Participant purchases a Bearer Ticket, and after verification of the execution of the new order, receives a refund for the cancelled Ticket.
The refund is processed within 14 days of verification.
Resale of Tickets at auctions, bidding or conducted in any other manner indicating the profit-making nature of such resale is prohibited.
Any public offering of the transfer of ownership of Tickets without the organizer’s consent, including as prizes in contests, sweepstakes, bonus sales or any other promotions, even if free of charge, is prohibited.
The Ticket may be immediately invalidated in case of resale, attempted resale, attempted copying of the Ticket, and taking other actions referred to in this section, without the right to a refund of the amounts paid for its purchase.
The Organizer informs that in accordance with Art.
133 of the Act of May 20, 1971.
Code of Offenses (Journal of Laws 2023 2119): “Whoever purchases admission tickets to artistic, entertainment or sports events for resale at a profit, or whoever sells such tickets at a profit, shall be punished by arrest, restriction of liberty or a fine.
Attempt and incitement and aiding and abetting are punishable.”
Only the original Ticket, purchased in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, shall be exchanged for a Badge.
A Ticket purchased in violation of the Regulations may be invalidated by the Organizer.
The Organizer warns that purchasing Tickets from outsiders carries the risk of purchasing a counterfeit ticket, which, in consequence, results in refusal to exchange the Ticket for a badge and admission to the Event.
If a person with a disability wishes to participate in the Event together with a supporting person, each person is required to have Tickets


Entry to the Festival Area is granted to a person holding a valid Ticket, which will be exchanged for a badge at the first entrance to the Festival Area.
Each entry to the Festival site is granted only to the Event Participant with an undamaged ID badge permanently affixed to his/her hand.
Regardless of the fulfillment of the above prerequisites specified in item.
14, the Organizer may refuse entry to the Festival Area and, in particular, is obliged, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Security of Mass Events, to refuse entry to the Mass Event Area:
to persons who refuse to submit to the activities referred to in p.
25 -a) – c) of the Regulations.
to a person under the visible influence of alcohol, intoxicants, psychotropic or other similarly acting agents,
to a person in possession of weapons or other dangerous objects, explosives, pyrotechnic products, fire hazardous materials, alcoholic beverages, intoxicants or psychotropic substances.
to a person behaving aggressively, provocatively or otherwise posing a threat to safety or public order.
The assessment of objects and qualifying them as dangerous is up to:

– Law Enforcement Services – at the Festival Area being the event site, in accordance with Section.
32 of the Regulations,

– Security Employees – on the rest of the Festival Grounds and on the Organizer’s Grounds.

The Event Organizer may refuse entry to the Event and stay at the Event to persons:
not in possession of an ID badge,
wearing shoes with metal ends,
whose outward appearance makes it impossible to identify them,
not in possession of an ID document or refusing to show it.
Admission to the Festival is granted to persons holding an appropriate ID badge.
Lack of an ID badge may result in denial of entry to a particular Zone.


The Organizer shall ensure the safety of persons present at the Event and order during the Event by, among others.
Order Services, Information Services and Security Employees, distinguished by elements of their clothing;
appointment of a security manager, in charge of Order Services and Information Services and organizing their work;
provision of medical assistance and hygiene and sanitary facilities;
change of the venue of the Event to another one, if necessary;
change of the day and time of commencement of the Event to another one, if necessary;
application of additional epidemic restrictions in case of introduction of an epidemic emergency or state of epidemics.
The Event participant will be required to comply with the introduced restrictions.
Participants of the Event and all other persons who are on the Festival Grounds are obliged to obey the instructions of the Order and Information Services, including the Security Manager, or Security Employees and Representatives of the Organizer, depending on the place where they are.
Refusal to comply with these instructions may result only from their contradiction with generally applicable laws.
Participants of the Event and all other persons who are in the Festival Area are obliged to behave in a manner that does not endanger the safety of other persons present at the Event, and in particular to observe the provisions of the Regulations.
It is forbidden to destroy signage and information boards, advertising media, devices and equipment located on the Festival Area.
Participants and all other persons who are on the Festival Area are obliged to use the sanitary facilities only for their intended purpose.
Participants of the Event and all persons who are on the Festival Area or in certain Zones are obliged to have a valid Identification Badge or Technical Badge.
Lack of a badge or possession of a badge torn or damaged, as well as a badge not fastened to the hand is unequivocal grounds for removal of the Participant from the Festival Area.
If a badge is broken or damaged (on the Festival Grounds), the Event Participant is required to immediately report to the security manager at the information desk at the Festival Grounds with the damaged badge, in order to replace the badge with a new one.
Only badges damaged on the Festival Grounds are subject to replacement.
On the Festival Grounds it is forbidden to:
take actions to interrupt or disrupt the Event;
Use of abusive, vulgar vocabulary, preaching and displaying slogans with vulgar and racist content, as well as incitement to conflict, especially on racial, national, religious, social or sexual grounds;
displaying banners not previously permitted by the Organizer;
throwing objects;
Starting a fire, as well as smoking in areas where this is not permitted;
Taking care of physiological needs outside toilets;
Blocking exits and escape routes;
Introduction of dogs and other animals, except guide dogs without prior notification
Bringing in, possessing, and using unmanned aerial vehicles, drones, and other airborne objects;
And furthermore, on the Festival Grounds it is forbidden:

Bringing in and using cameras, sound and video recording equipment, and photographic equipment that may have professional use, including cameras with interchangeable optics, cameras with zoom over 6x, tripods, selfie sticks. Photos may only be taken for private purposes so as not to obstruct or disturb those in the vicinity;
Bringing backpacks, suitcases, and bags over 30 liters;
Bringing in beverages and food, with the exception of persons whose health condition requires a specialized diet confirmed by a medical certificate;
Bringing in and possessing medicines, with the exception of medicines in original packages, available without a prescription and whose possession is confirmed by a relevant medical certificate;
Bringing in one’s own alcohol and other intoxicating substances
Rules of recording the course of the Event
The Organizer, on the basis of the Law on Security of Mass Events and to the extent specified in this Law and implementing regulations, is authorized to record the course of the Event in the Mass Event Area, and in particular the behavior of persons, using image and sound recording devices.
Materials collected during the recording of the course of the Event in the Festival Area, which may constitute evidence allowing the institution of criminal proceedings or proceedings in misdemeanor cases, or evidence significant for such proceedings in progress, shall be immediately handed over by the Organizer to the district prosecutor or the Police with jurisdiction over the Festival Area.
The materials collected during the recording of the course of the Event in the Mass Event Venue, which do not contain evidence allowing the institution of criminal proceedings or proceedings in misdemeanor cases, or evidence significant for such proceedings in progress, shall be stored after the end of the Event for a period of at least one month, and then they shall be destroyed by the commission.
In order to ensure the safety of persons and property in the Festival Area, to the extent justifying the realization of this purpose, the Organizer is authorized to record the course of the Event by means of image and sound recording devices, and in particular the behavior of persons and other events
In the cases specified in items.
a) and
b) above, the controller of personal data is
Arkadiusz Szczepanski Mittenwalder str.
12 10-695 Berlin, In the case specified in:
– point a) above, personal data are processed to ensure the security of the event.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the Organizer’s obligations and rights under the Law on Security of Mass Events, including the obligation to secure the mass event and the authority to record the course of the mass event.
The personal data subject to processing is the image of the participant of the mass event.
Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection a), the controller may process the indicated personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data were collected, unless there is a technical, legal or other valid reason justifying the deletion, destruction or anonymization of such data.

– (b) above, personal data is processed to ensure the safety of persons and property in areas that are not Festival grounds.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest pursued by the administrator, which is to ensure the safety of persons and property.
The controller may process the indicated personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data were collected, unless there is a technical, legal or other valid reason justifying the deletion, destruction or anonymization of the data.

In the cases specified in this para.
24, the data subject has the right to request from the controller access to his/her personal data, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, the right to object to processing and the right to data portability, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Law Enforcement and Information Services, holding a badge placed in a visible place, are authorized in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Safety of Mass Events to:
ascertaining the rights of persons to be in the areas constituting the Festival zone, and in the event of discovering the lack of such rights – to summon them to leave the Festival Area;
legitimizing persons in order to establish their identity;
issue orders to persons disturbing public order or behaving inconsistently with the Regulations of the Event, and in case of failure to comply with such orders – summon them to leave the Festival Area;
apprehend, in order to immediately hand them over to the Police, persons posing a direct threat to human life or health, as well as protected property.
In addition, the Law Enforcement Service, displaying a badge affixed in a conspicuous place, is authorized to use in the cases referred to in Art.
11 of the Law of May 24, 2013.
on direct coercive measures and firearms (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1416), direct coercive measures referred to in Art.
12 para.
1 of this Act;

Security personnel shall have all rights under the Law on the Protection of Persons and Property, including the authority to:

Determining the right to be present on the Festival Grounds and ID-ing persons in order to establish their identity;
summoning persons to leave the Festival Grounds in the event that they are found to be unauthorized to be present on the Festival Grounds or found to be disorderly;
to apprehend, within the Festival Grounds, persons clearly posing a direct threat to human life or health, as well as protected property, in order to immediately hand them over to the Police;
to use or utilize direct coercive measures within the limits of the provisions of the Law on Protection of Persons and Property and the provisions of the Law of May 24, 2013.
on direct coercive measures and firearms (i.e., Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1416)
Law Enforcement Services are obliged to remove from the Festival Zone persons whose behavior disturbs public order or behaves contrary to the Regulations.
To the extent permitted by the Law on the Protection of Persons and Property, the same powers shall be vested in Security Personnel in the Festival Area.

Members of the Order and Information Services, as well as Security Personnel, depending on potential risks and needs, may be equipped with, among other things.
hand-held metal detectors;
specimens of tickets, badges and invitations;
other necessary and legally permitted personal protective equipment.
Determination of a person’s right to be at the Event is made by a member of the Order or Information Services or a Security Officer by:
Checking whether the person has a valid Ticket and, if replaced, a badge;
checking whether the person has a valid Technical Badge;
comparing the presented document with the specimen,
checking whether the person has an ID document,
verifying the age of the Participant by checking the ID document.
In the event that the contents of inspected luggage or clothing are found to contain items that are prohibited from being brought and possessed on the Festival Grounds, a member of the Security or Information Services may refuse entry to the Event to the person found to be in possession of such items, or remove him or her from the venue of the Event.
To the extent permitted by the Law on the Protection of Persons and Property, the same powers shall be vested in Security Employees.
In the event that the contents of inspected luggage or clothing of a person who wishes to enter the Festival Venue or weapons or other dangerous items, alcoholic beverages, explosives, pyrotechnics and fire hazardous materials, as well as narcotics and psychotropic drugs are found in the contents of the inspected luggage or clothing of a person who wishes to enter the Festival Venue, a member of the Order or Information Services, or a Security Employee, shall apprehend the person found to have these items in the inspected luggage or clothing and, after collecting them, shall prepare a protocol of this action, then shall hand this person over to the Police along with the collected items.
The exception is medication, the possession of which is confirmed by an appropriate medical certificate.
It is forbidden to carry out without the authorization of the Organizer any commercial or other profit-making activity, as well as advertising and promotional activities on the Festival Site as well as on the entire other Organizer Site.
The Organizer ensures fire safety by ensuring that:
service employees, Order and Information Services, Security Employees, and the Organizer must be familiar with the location of hand-held firefighting equipment and hydrants and the rules of conduct in case of fire;
Order and Information Services, and Security Employees must be trained in: the rules of evacuation, how to alert the fire department, the rules of use of hand-held firefighting equipment, providing first medical aid.
During the Event, the Organizer, Participants of the Event and contractors and persons working in the preparation and implementation of the Event, as well as other persons present on the Festival Grounds or in the Zones, undertake to comply with the provisions of the Law on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism.
Alcohol sold or served in the catering areas (bars and the Hotel Restaurant – LAKE HILL) may be consumed only in these areas.


The Organizer informs that due to the large number of Event Participants, the necessity of exchanging Tickets for Badges and the necessary control and security measures applied at the entrance to the Event in the main lobby of the LAKE HILL Hotel Reception.
Event Participants are required to arrive at the Event venue at least 1 hour in advance.
The Organizer informs that the Event Participant or any other person in the Festival Area may be in the area of loud noises during the evening events, which may cause hearing damage.
The use of hearing protectors is recommended, especially for children.
During the Event, strobe lights and pyrotechnic effects may be used.
The Organizer also records the course of the Event for documentation purposes and promotion or advertising of the Event and events in future years, the Organizer and sponsors.
The Event Participant acknowledges that participation in the Event may involve the risk of becoming infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, particularly in the event of failure to comply with the rules of conduct established by the Organizer, applicable regulations, guidelines or recommendations of the relevant governmental authorities, and releases the Organizer from any liability on this account.


Decisions regarding cancellation of the Event, change of the date of the Event or refund of amounts paid by Event Participants in connection with the purchase of Tickets, i.e.
(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Amount Due”), shall be made by the Organizer, under the terms and conditions set forth in these Regulations and based on current legal regulations.
In the event of cancellation of the Event or change of the date of the Event, the Organizer shall inform the Event Participants who purchased Tickets for the Event about this fact by means of emails sent to the addresses provided in connection with the purchase of Tickets, on the Organizer’s website and on social media.
If the cancellation of the Event is directly related to the negative effects of COVID-19, the deadline for refund of the Amount Due is 180 days.
The refund will be made using the payment method used by the Participant when purchasing the Ticket.
If the date of the Event is rescheduled, the Participant of the Event may choose whether to keep the purchased Ticket and attend the Event on the new date or attend another event offered by the Organizer within a period of up to 365 days from the date of the rescheduled Event, or cancel the Ticket and receive a refund of the Dues Amount paid.
The Organizer will inform the Event Participant about the method of choosing one of the described options in an email sent to the address provided in connection with the purchase of the Ticket, on the Organizer’s website and on social media.
If the Participant chooses to resign from the Ticket and refund the paid Amount of Dues, the refund period runs from the date of the Participant’s statement of resignation from the Ticket.
If, due to a change in the date of the Event, the Event Participant decides to keep the purchased Ticket and attend the Event on the new date, the Ticket remains valid, regardless of any changes in the price of Tickets for the Event on the new date.
If, due to the change of the date of the Event, the Event Participant decides to cancel the purchased Ticket, the refund of the amount paid by him/her shall be made according to the same rules as in the case of cancellation of the Event, with the reservation that in such case the refund periods shall run from the date of the Participant’s statement on cancellation of the Ticket.
If, in the event of a change of the date of the Event, the Event Participant does not choose any of the options provided for in the preceding paragraphs within the deadline specified by the Organizer, it is assumed that the Participant has decided to keep the purchased Ticket and participate in the Event on the new date.
This means that after the deadline specified in the preceding sentence, the Event Participant may no longer resign from the purchased Ticket and receive a refund of the amount paid.
This solution is dictated by organizational reasons related to the organization of the distribution of Tickets, including the limited number of Tickets available for the Event.
Information about the deadline for making a decision will be communicated to the Client along with information about the change of the date of the Event, in the manner specified in the points above.


All complaints may be submitted in writing no later than 21 days after the end of the Event to the following mailing address of the Organizer:
Arkadiusz Szczepański

Mittenwalder str.
12, 10691 Berlin

The complaint should contain the name and surname and mailing address of the complainant, as well as an indication of the reasons for the complaint and the content of the demand.
The Organizer recognizes complaints submitted in accordance with items.
46 and 47 above within 14 days from the date of their delivery to the Organizer.
The use of the complaint procedure is voluntary and is not a condition for the assertion of claims.
The administrator of the personal data is Arkadiusz Szczepański Mittenwalder str. 12, 10691 Berlin.
Personal data are processed for the purpose of handling complaints.
Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to receive a response to a complaint.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is their necessity for the realization of purposes arising from the legitimate interests pursued by the administrator, consisting in the processing of complaints.
The Administrator may process Participants’ personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected, unless there is a technical, legal or other compelling reason justifying the deletion, destruction or anonymization of the data.
The data subject has the right to request from the controller access to his/her personal data, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, the right to object to processing and the right to data portability, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “Force Majeure” means any event beyond the control of the Organizer, including but not limited to.
fortuitous event, war, insurrection, riot, civil commotion, acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, theft of essential equipment, intentional damage, cyber-attack, strike, lock-down, weather conditions, security for the benefit of a third party, national defense requirements, acts and regulations of state or local government authorities. The Organizer shall not be liable to the Event Participants for failure to perform any obligations under these Terms and Conditions to the extent caused by the occurrence of Force Majeure.


Whoever fails to comply with an order issued under the Law on Security of Mass Events or by the Order or Information Services shall be subject to the penalty of arrest, restriction of liberty or a fine.
Whoever brings or possesses weapons, other dangerous objects, explosives, pyrotechnic products or fire hazardous materials at a mass event shall be subject to the penalty of arrest or restriction of liberty.
Whoever, knowing that he or she is afflicted with an infectious disease, directly exposes another person to contracting such disease, shall be subject to the penalty of imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years. If the perpetrator of this act exposes a large number of people to infection, he is punishable by imprisonment from one to 10 years (Art.161 § 2 and § 3 of the Criminal Code, Journal of Laws 2022, item 1138).


All rights to the name and logo of the Event are reserved to the Organizer. Official programs and gadgets for the Event will be sold only at the Festival Grounds or at points of sale authorized by the Organizer.
Sponsor status for the Event is granted only by the Organizer.
These Regulations are available:
– on the Event website, i.e.

– At the Organizer’s information points;

– At the entrances to the Festival Area and selected Zones.

Correspondence to the Organizer shall be addressed to the address indicated in item. 46 in writing.
Order and Information Services, as well as Security Employees may issue their own safety and fire instructions.
in accordance with applicable laws.
In matters not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of the Law on Security of Mass Events and, to the extent applicable to Security Employees – the provisions of the Law of August 22, 1997.
on protection of persons and property and the provisions of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2023 item 616, Journal of Laws 2022 item 1416, Journal of Laws 2021 item 1995).
The Regulations shall come into force on September 30, 2023.
The Organizer shall have the right to amend these Regulations:
due to the need to ensure the proper conduct of the Event and ensure the safety of the Event Participants;
in order to remove errors or mistakes in the content of the Regulations;
in order to adapt the Regulations to the applicable laws;
if the need to amend the Regulations arose from circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, which occurred after the announcement of the Regulations, and which the Organizer could not have predicted earlier.

The Organizer shall announce changes to the regulations on the Organizer’s website, i.e. www.www.

Warsaw, September 30, 2023.

Upcoming events


  1. These Regulations, (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”) were issued on the basis of the provisions of the Act of March 20, 2009.
    on security of mass events, consolidated text Dz.U.
    of 2023 pos.
    616 (hereinafter referred to as the “Law on Security of Mass Events”), based on the Law of August 22, 1997.
    On protection of persons and property, consolidated text Dz.U.2021.
    1995 (hereinafter referred to as the “Law on Protection of Persons and Property”) and on the basis of the provisions of the Civil Code.
  2. The Regulations are issued by the Organizer of the Event named: “9 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL CABRIO POLAND”, which will be held from 06.09 -09.2024 (hereinafter: “Event”), i.e..
    By Arkadiusz Szczepanski Mittlenwalder str 12 10695 Berlin (hereinafter: “Organizer”).
  3. The Regulations are addressed to all persons who will be on the Festival Grounds during the Event.
    Each person staying on the Organizer’s Grounds or on the Festival Grounds during the Event is obliged to comply with the provisions of these Regulations.
  4. The purpose of the Regulations is to ensure the safety of persons and property, as well as the security of the Event by defining the rules of participation, behavior and use of the Organizer’s Grounds, the Festival Grounds and the infrastructure located therein, as well as to define the conditions of participation in the Event by regulating the rights and obligations of Event Participants in connection with the possession of an admission ticket to the Event.
  5. The following terms used in the Regulations will have the following meanings:

“Ticket” signifies individual consent to participate in the Event and requires exchange for a badge (wristband), before the first entrance to the Festival Area and accommodation base.

“Badge” means a badge issued by the Organizer, prior to the first entrance to the Festival Area, upon the return of the Ticket; the Badge will be in the form of a wristband, the design of which is determined by the Organizer, permanently affixed to the hand; the Badge may only be used by one person, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 21 and 22 of these Regulations; damage or breakage of the Badge shall render it invalid; it is prohibited to transfer the Badge.
Each Event Participant shall exchange a Ticket for a Badge in person;

“Technical badge” means a badge issued by the Organizer to persons working in the preparation and/or execution of the Event in accordance with the Rules of Order for contractors and persons working in the preparation and execution of the Event.

“Security manager” means a person appointed by the Organizer, representing him in providing security to the participants of the mass event;

“Festival Area” means the designated and branded area on the premises of the LAKE HILL Hotel, which can only be entered by persons holding a badge or a Technical Badge.
For valid reasons, the location of the Festival Area may be changed prior to the Event, with the Organizer making the change public on no later than 7 days before the commencement of the Event.

“Organizer’s Site” means the designated portion of the LAKE HILL Hotel site, including the Festival Site as well as the parking lots, internal access roads, pedestrian walkways, and technical and social facilities.

For valid reasons, the location of the Organizer’s Venue may be changed before the Event, with the Organizer announcing the change to the public at no later than 7 days before the start of the Event.

“Order Services” means the persons appointed by the Organizer who are included in the list of qualified physical security personnel referred to in Art.
26 of the Act of August 22, 1997.
on the protection of persons and property (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1995), including employees of a security agency of persons or property, holding an ID badge, to take care of the safety of persons participating in the Event, including the control of Participants’ authorization to enter the Festival Area.
Members of the Order Services shall have badges displayed in a conspicuous place containing: name of the exhibitor, identification number and photograph, validity period, seal and signature of the exhibitor.
The Order Services operate in the area of the Festival Grounds, which constitutes the Festival Zone.

“Information Services” means persons subordinate to the Security Manager acting during the Event for the benefit of security and public order in the Festival area and the rest of the Organizer’s Area, in particular by informing them about the organizational arrangements adopted.
Members of the Information Services shall have badges displayed in a conspicuous place containing: the name of the exhibitor, identification number and photograph, validity period, seal and signature of the exhibitor.

“Security Employees” means persons enrolled in the list of qualified physical security guards or qualified technical security guards, and performing security tasks on behalf of an entrepreneur licensed to conduct business in the field of security services and property, whose services are used by the Organizer.
Security personnel shall operate in the Festival area to ensure the safety of persons and property therein.
To the extent permitted by law, the powers and tasks of Security Employees may be performed by persons performing security tasks, to the extent not requiring registration on these lists, on behalf of an entrepreneur who has obtained a license to conduct business activity in the field of security services for persons and property, the services of which are used by the Organizer.

“Organizer’s Representative” means a person identifying himself or herself with a Technical ID named “STAFF”, authorized to make decisions on behalf of the Organizer.

“Event Participant” means a person participating in the Event on the basis of a Badge issued against the return of a Ticket.


  1. Tickets are sold exclusively through the formluarz at
    There is a limit of four (4) Tickets purchased by one team.
    If more than four (4) Tickets are purchased by one team, all Tickets will be canceled.
  2. The organizer informs that pursuant to Art.
    38 item 12 of the Act of May 30, 2014.
    on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended), it is not possible to return a Ticket, except in the special cases described in item.
    8 below.
  3. The Organizer stipulates in exceptional, documented random cases, at the request of the Event Participant, the Organizer may exchange the Ticket for the same type of Bearer Ticket (with indication of the Event Participant’s data) at the price valid on the day of the request,.
    After the Organizer grants the request, the exchange of the Ticket is made through the point of sale where the purchase was made as follows: The Event Participant purchases a Bearer Ticket, and after verification of the execution of the new order, receives a refund for the cancelled Ticket.
    The refund is realized within 14 days after verification.
  4. Resale of Tickets at auctions, bidding, or conducted in any other manner indicating the profit-making nature of such resale is prohibited.
    Any public offer to transfer ownership of Tickets without the organizer’s consent, including as prizes in contests, raffles, bonus sales or any other promotions, even if free of charge, is prohibited.
    The Ticket may be immediately invalidated in the event of resale, attempted resale, attempted copying of the Ticket, and taking other actions referred to in this section, without the right to a refund of the amounts paid for its purchase.
  5. The organizer informs that in accordance with Art.
    133 of the Act of May 20, 1971.
    Code of Offenses (Journal of Laws 2023 2119): “Whoever purchases admission tickets to artistic, entertainment or sports events for resale at a profit, or whoever sells such tickets at a profit, shall be punished by arrest, restriction of liberty or a fine.
    Attempting, as well as inciting and aiding and abetting, are punishable.”
  6. Only the original Ticket, purchased in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, shall be exchanged for a Badge.
    A Ticket purchased in violation of the Regulations may be invalidated by the Organizer.
    The Organizer warns that purchasing Tickets from outsiders carries the risk of purchasing a counterfeit ticket, which consequently results in refusal to exchange the Ticket for a Badge and admission to the Event.
  7. If a person with a disability wishes to attend the Event together with a support person, each person is required to have Tickets


  1. Entry to the Festival Area is granted to a person holding a valid Ticket, which will be exchanged for a badge at the first entrance to the Festival Area.
    Each entry to the Festival Area is granted only to the Event Participant with an undamaged badge permanently fixed on his/her hand.
  2. Regardless of the fulfillment of the above prerequisites specified in sec.
    14, the Organizer may refuse entry to the Festival Area and, in particular, is obliged, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Security of Mass Events, to refuse entry to the Mass Event Area:
  • persons who refuse to submit to the activities referred to in sec.
    25 -a) – c) of the Regulations.
  • A person under the apparent influence of alcohol, intoxicants, psychotropic drugs or other similarly acting agents,
  • a person in possession of weapons or other dangerous objects, explosives, pyrotechnics, fire hazardous materials, alcoholic beverages, narcotics or psychotropic substances.
  • a person behaving aggressively, provocatively or otherwise posing a threat to security or public order.

It is up to you to evaluate items and qualify them as dangerous:

– Law Enforcement Services – at the Festival Area being the event site, in accordance with Section.
32 of the Regulations,

– Security Employees – at the rest of the Festival Area and at the Organizer’s Area.

  1. The Event Organizer may refuse entry to the Event and stay at the Event to persons:
  2. not having an ID,
  3. Wearing shoes with metal ends,
  4. whose external appearance makes identification impossible,
  5. not in possession of an identity document or refusing to show it.
  6. Admission to the Festival is granted to persons showing the appropriate ID badge.
    Lack of an ID badge may result in denial of entry to a particular Zone.


  1. The Organizer shall ensure the safety of persons present at the Event and order during the Event by, among other things:
  • Order Services, Information Services and Security Workers, distinguished by elements of dress;
  • Appointment of a security manager to head the Order and Information Services and organize their work;
  • Providing medical assistance and hygiene and sanitation facilities;
  • changing the venue of the Event to another, if necessary;
  • change the day and time of the start of the Event to another, if necessary,
  • application of additional epidemic restrictions in the event of the introduction of an epidemic emergency or epidemic state.
    The Event participant will be required to comply with the introduced strictures.
  1. Participants of the Event and all other persons who are on the Festival Grounds are obliged to obey the instructions of the Order and Information Services, including the Security Manager, or Security Employees and Representatives of the Organizer, depending on their location.
    Refusal to comply with these instructions may result only from their contradiction with generally applicable laws.
  2. Participants of the Event and all other persons who are on the Festival Grounds are obliged to behave in a manner that does not endanger the safety of other persons present at the Event, and in particular to observe the provisions of the Regulations.
    It is forbidden to destroy signage and information boards, advertising media, devices and equipment located on the Festival Area.
    Participants and all other persons who are in the Festival Area are obliged to use the sanitary facilities only for their intended purpose.
  3. Participants of the Event and all persons on the Festival Grounds or in the specified Zones are required to have a valid Badge or Technical Badge.
    Lack of ID badge or having broken or damaged badge, as well as the badge not fastened on the hand is unequivocal ground for removal of the Participant from the Festival Area.
    In case of breaking or damaging a badge (on the Festival Grounds) the Event Participant is obliged to immediately report to the security manager at the information desk at the Festival Grounds together with the damaged badge in order to exchange the badge for a new one.
    Only badges damaged on the Festival Grounds are subject to replacement.
  4. On the Festival Grounds it is forbidden to:
  • take actions to interrupt or disrupt the Event;
  • Use of abusive, vulgar vocabulary, preaching and displaying slogans with vulgar and racist content, as well as incitement to conflict, especially on racial, national, religious, social or sexual grounds;
  • displaying banners not previously permitted by the Organizer;
  • throwing objects;
  • Starting a fire, as well as smoking in areas where this is not permitted;
  • Taking care of physiological needs outside toilets;
  • littering;
  • Blocking exits and escape routes;
  • Introduction of dogs and other animals, except guide dogs without prior notification
  • Bringing in, possessing, and using unmanned aerial vehicles, drones, and other airborne objects;

And furthermore, on the Festival Grounds it is forbidden:

  • bringing in and using cameras, sound and video recording equipment, and photographic equipment that may have professional use, including cameras with interchangeable optics, cameras with a zoom of more than 6x, tripods, selfie sticks Photos may be taken only for private purposes so as not to obstruct or disturb those in the vicinity;
  • Bringing backpacks, suitcases, and bags over 30 liters;
  • Bringing in drinks and food, with the exception of people whose health condition requires a specialized diet confirmed by a medical certificate;
  • bringing and possession of medicines, with the exception of medicines in original packaging, available without a prescription and whose possession is confirmed by a relevant medical certificate;
  • Bringing in your own alcohol and other intoxicating substances
  • Rules for recording the course of the Event
    1. The Organizer, on the basis of the act on safety of mass events and within the scope specified by this act and executive regulations, is authorized to record the course of the Event in the Mass Event Zone, and in particular the behavior of persons, by means of image and sound recording devices.
      Materials collected during the recording of the course of the Event in the Festival Area, which may constitute evidence allowing the institution of criminal proceedings or proceedings in misdemeanor cases, or evidence significant for such proceedings in progress, shall be immediately handed over by the Organizer to the district prosecutor or the Police with jurisdiction over the Festival Area.
      The materials collected during the recording of the course of an Event in the Mass Event Venue, which do not contain evidence making it possible to initiate criminal proceedings or proceedings in cases of offences, or evidence significant for such proceedings in progress, shall be stored after the end of the Event for at least one month, and then destroyed by the commission.
    2. In order to ensure the safety of persons and property in the Festival Area, to the extent justifying the realization of this purpose, the Organizer is authorized to record the course of the Event with image and sound recording devices, in particular the behavior of persons and other events
    3. In the cases specified in points.
      a) and
      b) above, the controller of the personal data is
      Arkadiusz Szczepanski Mittklenwalder str 12 10-695 Berlin, In the case specified in:

– point a) above, personal data are processed for the purpose of ensuring the security of the event.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the Organizer’s obligations and rights under the Law on Security of Mass Events, including the obligation to secure the mass event and the authority to record the course of the mass event.
The personal data subject to processing is the image of the participant of the mass event.
Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection a), the controller may process the indicated personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data were collected, unless there is a technical, legal or other valid reason justifying the deletion, destruction or anonymization of such data.

– (b) above, personal data is processed to ensure the safety of persons and property in areas that are not Festival grounds.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest pursued by the administrator, which is to ensure the safety of persons and property.
The controller may process the indicated personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data were collected, unless there is a technical, legal or other valid reason justifying the deletion, destruction or anonymization of the data.

In the cases specified in this para.
24, the data subject has the right to request from the controller access to his/her personal data, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, the right to object to processing and the right to data portability, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

  1. Law Enforcement and Information Services, holding a badge placed in a conspicuous place, are authorized in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Security of Mass Events to:
    1. ascertaining the authorization of persons to be in the areas constituting the Festival Area, and in the event that such authorization is found to be lacking, summoning them to leave the Festival Area;
    2. legitimizing people in order to establish their identity;
    3. To issue order to persons disturbing public order or behaving inconsistently with the Rules and Regulations of the Event, and in case of failure to comply with such orders – to summon them to leave the Festival Area;
    4. apprehend, for immediate transfer to the Police, persons posing a direct threat to human life or health, as well as protected property.

In addition, the Law Enforcement Service, displaying a badge affixed in a conspicuous place, is authorized to use in the cases referred to in Art.
11 of the Law of May 24, 2013.
on direct coercive measures and firearms (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1416), direct coercive measures referred to in Art.
12 para.
1 of this Act;

Security personnel shall have all rights under the Law on the Protection of Persons and Property, including the authority to:

  • to determine eligibility to be in the Festival Area and to legitimize persons in order to establish their identity;
  • summoning people to leave the Festival Grounds if they are found to be unauthorized to be on the Festival Grounds or if they are found to be disorderly;
  • apprehend within the boundaries of the Festival Grounds, persons clearly posing a direct threat to human life or health, as well as protected property, in order to immediately hand these persons over to the Police;
  • use or use of direct coercive measures within the limits of the provisions of the Law on Protection of Persons and Property and the provisions of the Law of May 24, 2013.
    on direct coercive measures and firearms (i.e., Journal of Laws 2022, item 1416)
  • The Security Service is obliged to remove from the Festival Area persons whose behavior disturbs public order or behaves contrary to the Regulations.
    To the extent permitted by the Law on the Protection of Persons and Property, the same powers shall be vested in the Security Staff at the Festival Area.
  1. Members of the Order and Information Services, as well as Security Personnel, depending on potential risks and needs, may be equipped with, among other things.
  • handheld metal detectors;
  • Templates of tickets, badges and invitations;
  • other necessary and legally permitted personal protective equipment.
  1. Determination of a person’s right to be at the Event is made by a member of the Order or Information Services or a Security Officer by:
  • Verification that the person has a valid Ticket and, upon replacement, an ID;
  • Verification that the person has a valid Technical ID;
  • Comparison of the presented document with the model,
  • Verification that the person has an identification document,
  • Verification of the age of the Participant by checking the identity document.
  1. In the event that the contents of inspected luggage or clothing are found to contain items that are prohibited from being brought and possessed on the Festival Grounds, a member of the Security or Information Services may refuse entry to the Event to the person found to be in possession of such items, or remove him or her from the venue of the Event.
    To the extent permitted by the Law on the Protection of Persons and Property, the same powers shall be vested in Security Employees.
  1. In the event of discovering any weapons or other dangerous objects, alcoholic beverages, explosives, pyrotechnic and fire hazardous materials, narcotics and psychotropic drugs in the luggage or clothing of a person wishing to enter the Festival Venue or in the Festival Venue, a member of the Order and Information Service or a Security Guard shall apprehend the person whose luggage or clothing contains such objects and, after collecting such objects, shall draw up a protocol of such action and then hand such person over to the Police together with the collected objects.
    The only exception is medication, the possession of which is confirmed by a medical certificate.
  1. It is forbidden to carry out without the authorization of the Organizer any commercial or other profit-making activity, as well as advertising and promotional activities on the Festival Site as well as on the entire other Organizer Site.
  2. The organizer ensures fire safety by ensuring that:
    1. Service personnel, Order and Information Services, Security personnel and the Organizer must be familiar with the location of hand-held firefighting equipment and hydrants, as well as the rules of conduct in case of fire;
    2. Order and Information Services, as well as Security Personnel, must be trained in: the rules of evacuation, how to alert the fire department, the rules of use of hand-held firefighting equipment, the administration of medical first aid.
  1. During the Event, the Organizer, Participants of the Event and contractors and persons working in the preparation and implementation of the Event, as well as other persons present on the Festival Grounds or in the Zones, undertake to comply with the provisions of the Law on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism.
    Alcohol sold or served in catering areas (bars and the Hotel Restaurant – LAKE HILL) may be consumed only in these areas.


  1. The Organizer informs that due to the significant number of Event Participants, the necessity to exchange Tickets for Badges and the necessary control and security measures applied at the entrance to the Event in the main lobby of the LAKE HILL Hotel Reception.
    Event Participants are required to arrive at the Event venue at least 1 hour in advance.
  1. The Organizer informs that the Event Participant or any other person in the Festival Area may be in the zone of loud noises during the evening events, which may cause hearing damage.
    The use of hearing protectors is recommended, especially for children.
    Strobe lights and pyrotechnic effects may be used during the Event.
  2. The Organizer shall also record the course of the Event for documentation purposes and promotion or advertising of the Event and events in future years, the Organizer and sponsors.
  3. The participant of the Event acknowledges that participation in the Event may involve the risk of becoming infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in particular in the situation of failure to comply with the rules of conduct established by the Organizer, applicable regulations, guidelines or recommendations of the competent governmental authorities, and releases the Organizer from any liability on this account.


  1. Decisions regarding the cancellation of an Event, rescheduling of an Event or refund of amounts paid by Event Participants in connection with the purchase of Tickets, i.e.(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Amount Due”), shall be made by the Organizer, based on the rules set forth in these Regulations and on the basis of current legal regulations.
  2. If the Event is canceled or rescheduled, the Organizer will inform the Event Participants who purchased Tickets for the Event of this fact by means of emails sent to the addresses provided in connection with the purchase of Tickets, on the Organizer’s website and on social media.
  3. If the cancellation of the Event is directly related to the negative consequences of COVID-19, the deadline for refund of the Payment Amount is 180 days.
    The refund will be made using the payment method used by the Participant when purchasing the Ticket.
  4. If the date of the Event is rescheduled, the Event Participant may choose whether to keep the purchased Ticket and attend the Event on the new date, or attend another event offered by the Organizer within 365 days from the date of the rescheduled Event, or cancel the Ticket and receive a refund of the amount paid.
    The Organizer will inform the Event Participant about the method of choosing one of the described options in an email sent to the address provided in connection with the purchase of the Ticket, on the Organizer’s website and on social media.
    If the Participant chooses to cancel the Ticket and return the paid Amount of Dues, the refund period shall run from the date of the Participant’s statement on cancellation of the Ticket.
  5. If, due to a change in the date of the Event, the Event Participant decides to keep the purchased Ticket and attend the Event on the new date, the Ticket remains valid, regardless of any changes in the price of Tickets for the Event on the new date.
  6. If, due to the change of the date of the Event, the Event Participant decides to cancel the purchased Ticket, the refund of the amount paid by him/her shall be made according to the same rules as in the case of cancellation of the Event, with the reservation that in such case the refund periods shall run from the date of the Participant’s statement on cancellation of the Ticket.
  7. If, in the event of a change of the date of the Event, the Event Participant does not choose any of the options provided for in the preceding paragraphs within the deadline specified by the Organizer, it is assumed that the Participant has decided to keep the purchased Ticket and participate in the Event on the new date.
    This means that after the deadline specified in the preceding sentence, the Event Participant may no longer resign from the purchased Ticket and receive a refund of the amount paid.
    This solution is dictated by organizational reasons related to the organization of the distribution of Tickets, including the limited number of Tickets available for the Event.
    Information about the deadline for making a decision will be communicated to the Client along with information about the change of the date of the Event, in the manner specified in the points above.


  1. All complaints may be submitted in writing no later than 21 days after the end of the Event to the following mailing address of the Organizer:

Arkadiusz Szczepański

Mittenwalder str 12, 10691 Berlin

    1. The complaint should contain the name and mailing address of the complainant, as well as an indication of the reasons for the complaint and the content of the request.
    2. The Organizer shall recognize complaints submitted in accordance with items.
      46 and 47 above within 14 days from the day they are delivered to the Organizer.
    3. The use of the complaint procedure is voluntary and is not a condition for the assertion of claims.
    4. The administrator of the personal data is Arkadiusz Szczepanski Mittenwalder str 12, 10691 Berlin.
      Personal data are processed for the purpose of handling complaints.
      Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to receive a response to a complaint.
      The legal basis for the processing of personal data is their necessity for the realization of purposes arising from the legitimate interests pursued by the administrator, consisting in the processing of complaints.
      The Administrator may process Participants’ personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data were collected, unless there is a technical, legal or other valid reason justifying the deletion, destruction or anonymization of the data.
    5. A data subject has the right to request from the controller access to his or her personal data, rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, the right to object to processing and the right to data portability, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
    6. For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “Force Majeure” means any event beyond the control of the Organizer, including but not limited to.
      fortuitous event, war, insurrection, riot, civil commotion, acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, theft of vital equipment, intentional damage, cyber-attack, strike, lock-down, weather conditions, security for the benefit of a third party, national defense requirements, acts and regulations of state or local government authorities. The Organizer shall not be liable to the Event Participants for failure to perform any of their obligations under these Terms and Conditions to the extent caused by Force Majeure.


  1. Whoever disobeys an order issued under the Law on Security of Mass Events or by the Order or Information Services shall be punished by arrest, restriction of liberty or a fine.
  2. Whoever brings or possesses weapons, other dangerous objects, explosives, pyrotechnics or fire hazardous materials at a mass event shall be punished by arrest or restriction of liberty.
  3. Whoever, knowing that he or she is affected by a contagious disease, directly exposes another person to contracting such a disease, shall be punished by imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years. If the perpetrator of this act exposes a large number of people to infection, he is punishable by imprisonment from one to 10 years (Art.161 § 2 and § 3 of the Criminal Code, Journal of Laws 2022, item 1138).


  1. All rights to the name and logo of the Event are reserved to the Organizer. Official programs and gadgets for the Event will be sold only at the Festival Grounds or at outlets authorized by the Organizer.
  2. Sponsor status of the Event is granted only by the Organizer.
  3. These Regulations are available:

– On the website of the Event, i.e.

– At the Organizer’s information points;

– At the Organizer’s ticket offices;

– At the entrances to the Festival Area and selected Zones.

  1. Correspondence to the Organizer shall be addressed to the address indicated in item. 46 in writing.
  2. Order and Information Services, as well as Security Officers may issue their own safety and fire instructions. In accordance with applicable laws.
  1. In matters not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of the Law on Security of Mass Events and, to the extent applicable to Security Employees, the provisions of the Law of August 22, 1997 shall apply. On protection of persons and property and the provisions of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2023 item 616, Journal of Laws 2022 item 1416, Journal of Laws 2021 item 1995).
  2. The regulations enter into force on September 30, 2023.
  3. The Organizer shall have the right to amend these Regulations:
    1. due to the need to ensure the proper conduct of the Event and ensure the safety of the Event Participants;
    2. in order to remove errors or mistakes in the content of the Regulations;
    3. in order to bring the Regulations into compliance with applicable laws;
    4. if the need to amend the Regulations resulted from circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, which occurred after the announcement of the Regulations, and which the Organizer could not have foreseen earlier.

The Organizer shall announce changes to the regulations on the Organizer’s website, i.e. www.www.

Warsaw, September 31, 2023.

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